Over the past few years we have been hibernating artistically. We have challenged what we know, the materials we use and questioned the potential for success as an artist. We have looked at art in galleries and on the internet today, seen success come at lightning speed and dissipate without a sound.
We have shared some experiments to create quality materials and signature pigments. And mostly that has been all that we have shared. Just the dust from our chalk board.
Each year we begin a blog post with big dreams of creating art. Living and loving in art. This year (here in the midlde of it) we have something to show you. Quite a few somethings. Whether these will be considered successful by you or anyone important (issa joke), remains to be SEEN. Much would still need to be expanded on, and a visual narrative established to divulge the intention of our souls. But it's a start. We hope this tickles you at least a little.
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