2018 Resolutions

2018 hits, post holiday and we need a break. And this sets us to thinking that life needs a review and a revamp. However not every holiday holds the challenges of the one now past, but it yields the same wisdom. Live your life, don't merely survive it.

It's easy when you start to work, to be swallowed up in the routines of responsibilities. Getting used to taking care of yourself is a full time job in your spare time, while you balance that with the hours spent for the bread and butter.

So after a year or two of bona fide zombified, a shock to the system revives the child within.

Dare to dream.

Dare to be different.

Old words of my soul, long buried under the pressures of adulting.

In retrospect, it may be a mistake to give in so fully to the daily grind. You need to fight back the lethargy of a day job. You need to keep your dreams alive. You need to budget your f* bucks. You need to switch off the series you're watching. You need to make art.

This year, as with every year, we have resolved to make more art. But after beating up dust the last few years, trying to figure out what that means in terms of a potential career in art, whilst working full time as designers, we now anticipate that the dust may settle to reveal clear intentions.

Pretoria, local, art, south africa, 2018


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